I love The Dingo. Classic hang out for greasers and their pals, right? Not the other day, some outsider (see how punny I am? XD) tried to break into our circle and act like he was one of us. Yeah, well he obviously doesn't know us very well and we don't take kindly to assholes of his kind.
Sitting at a table was me, Tim, Brook, Kyle, Curly and Carson was hanging around the table, too. We were just talking when all of a sudden Carson left to go talk to someone by the front door. It was Jamie and some fancy dressed prick. Jamie was holding a rose and I was just utterly confused ... she was dating my brother! I looked over at Tim and there was literally steam coming out of his ears. Curly was trying not to laugh, Brook had this look on her face like "here we go" and Kyle was just rolling his eyes at all of us.
Carson came over with Jamie and mystery man soon enough and we all just stared at him. The nerve this dumbshit had to come over here with Jamie when her boyfriend sitting right there.
"Hey guys, what's up?" Jamie asked, looking at us expectantly. No one said anything at first, but soon enough Curly replied:
"Dude, you've gotta be shitting me. Who's this punk?" Everyone started laughing except for Tim who just looked plain murderous.
"Oh, this is my dad's buissiness partner's son, Chad," Jamie replied easily. Kyle started choking on his fries he started laughing so hard.
"Chad? What the fuck kind of name is Chad?" Kyle said between laughs, trying to catch his breath.
Chad narrowed his eyes, "My mother named me after my brother, he's a swimsuit model."
"Well, that sure as hell explains it," I answered, rolling my eyes. This weenie did not impress me at all. I mean, Chad? Who in the right mind names their child Chad? That's like setting your kid up for ridicule.
"Oh yeah, what's your name?" He retorted, crossing his arms across his chest.
"Angel. My real name is Angela," I smirked, and raised my eyebrows at him. I didn't really like my first name too much-- reminded me of an old lady. Angel fit my personality better.
Chad, champion moron, rolled his eyes. "You sure don't look like an angel, girl. Look what you're wearing, you look like a high class prostitute." Oh hell no! He did not just call me a prostitute. Oh my face was heating up. That dude was asking for a death wish, I'm telling you.
Tim chose that moment to find his voice, "You did NOT just call my sister that," he seethed, clenching his fists. Curly had stood up by then and was talking to Jamie, but when he heard that, I thought he was gonna jump that jerk.
I took Kyle's fries out of his hands and hurled them at the asshole. They splattered all over his white, pristine shirt. I hope it fucking stained and never came out!
"You listen here, Chad. You either beat it out of here in the next five seconds or I will personally beat the shit out of you, no questions asked. Ya dig?" I hissed standing up, and placing a hand on one hip.
"Yeah, Chad, I think you should go," Brook replied quietly, giggling at the situation.
"I'm not leaving here without Jamie," he said firmly and placed a protective arm around her.
"Bro, if you don't want your balls cut off, I suggest you get your fucking hands off her right now, Tim said, taking a step towards them.
Apparently, Chad can't take a hint, he pulled Jamie toward the door, but ran into Dawn doing so, who was just walking in. She decked him in the face when he ran into her, nearly knocking her over. After that it was like an open invatation for a throwdown. Tim started laying into him-- throwing punches anywhere and merrily took food from near by tables and hurled it at the ass. As soon as he was scarred for life we all left the idiot outside The Dingo, taped to a telephone pole in the parking lot.
Good times, gotta love summer.
Angela Shepard's Blog
About Me
My name is Angela Grace Shepard. Some people call me Ange or Angel. Guys are automatically attracted to me, it's just the way I am. I have long dark brown almost black hair and light green-blue eyes. I am kinda cocky and sarcastic, but you'll probably grow to love me anyway, it's just my personality. My brothers are Tim and Curly Shepard who are basically the biggest greasers in this lovely little town of Tulsa. So if you screw with me, good luck taking them on. I can kick ass and fight though, my brothers didnt leave me completely defenseless.
Me, Myself & I(:

Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
It's a Celebration Every Time We Link Up.
So, Sunday was this freak named Jamie's birthday and it was pretty fucking insane if I do say so myself. Cristy and I are amazing party-throwers(:
Now, I admit it wasn't the greatest idea ever to have a party on a school night, but we're all just so great that we decided to throw Jamie's party on her birthday 'cause we love her EVER so much. :P First, Timmy-boy took out Jamie and they went and did..."things". What that entails, I don't want to know. I'm pretty sure Tim's post is complete bullshit and he was just giving us his PG-13 version of it, and for that I am eternally grateful.
The party started at about eight and Cristy picked me up at 6:15 to head over to Buck's (aka The only bar in the U.S. that supports underage drinking) so we could set up. We decorated the bar and what-not for about an hour (by the way, watching Cristy attempt to hang up balloons and shit is hilarious with her stomach the size of Texas xD) and then people started to show up. We decided not to hand out the alcohol out until Tim and Jamie arrived so everyone would be for the most part sober. She opened the door and Carson leapt off the couch near the door and brought her down in a flying tackle before we could all scream surprise. It kind of ruined the whole element of surprise but it's cool because no one really cared anyway- they were just waiting on the alcohol. As soon as Jamie went through her whole freak-out Buck started dishing out the beer by the mother-load (xD I just really wanted to use that word.) Everyone got so wasted, Jamie the most of all. So wasted that Lollipop by Lil Wayne came on and she started giving my brother a lap dance. (LIKE I SAID, YOU PEOPLE SCAR ME FOR LIFE.)
And there was some serious beer pong going on...Two-Bit took on Dal, but eventually they both quit when Too Sexy For My Shirt came on and they started dancing their asses off. Honestly I don't know how I managed to remember all of this and stay somewhat sober, but I managed. :P Someone had to be the designated driver.
By the way if y'all think you're normal you're crazy. At about four 'o clock in the morning when Blair, Cristy and I managed to shove all of you drunken wack-jobs out of the door there were approximately six puke fests going on, I won't mention any names, *cough* DALLY *cough* TWO-BIT *cough* KIT *cough* STEVE *cough* CARSON *cough* CURLY. It was truly disgusting. The rest of you buffoons were either playing duck-duck-goose (well attempting actually) or if you were Jelly and Dawn you were pretending you were butterflies. I have a feeling alcohol wasn't the only thing being served by the looks of your actions- but hey, I've got two barely sane brothers, I can't exactly say anything. :P But yeah, it was pretty freaking amazing and.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JAMIE, I FUCKING LOVE YOU.......BITCH!
Me & Jaiiimieee(:
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Just a Small Town Girl....(:
So recently...quite of few people have decided to enscript images of choice on their bodies...At first I thought, 'wow that's so stupid what if they change their mind?' THEN, I had an epiphany and thought to myself, 'hey, actually that looks pretty sick,'. Okay, that last part was a lie, I was actually at my house chilling, minding my own business, really enjoying life very much when there was a knock on my door!
*Knock, knock, knock*
"Are you a pedophile?" I asked from my place on the couch.
"No." The mysterious voice answered.
"Are you a serial killer?" I inquired yet again.
"Are you a sociopath?"
"I don't think so?"
"Escaped convict?"
"Come on in, Mr. Brumley!" I yelled excitedly from my spot on the couch. Austin let himself in and he had on this very strange shirt. It was black with a gray logo on it. In grey loopy letter it said Tom's Tattoos.
"Holy shit, mark the date, did Austin Brumley get, *GASP* A JOB?!" I screamed putting my hands to my cheeks in a Home Alone fashion.
He rolled his eyes. (What an immature diva.) "Yes, Angela, I Austin Brumley got a job. Don't fall over from shock," he replied flopping down next to me on the couch putting his feet up on the coffee table.
Tim chose that moment to walk in, "Brumley, feet off. Now," he chose to swiftly take his feet off of the table- a wise decision on his part.
"So when did you get this.....job that you speak of?" I asked raising my eye brows. He glared at me.
"A week ago, precisely," he answered waiting until Tim went around the corner before putting his feet back up on the table. "The owner-dude actually doesn't like me very much, he thinks I'm...wild, can you believe it?" He said waving his hands around for affect.
"I don't know what would make him ever say that!" I replied my voice dripping with sarcasm.
"He thinks I'm inexperienced...so, I was wondering if I could give you a tattoo. Ya know, to practice?" He looked at me with hopeful eyes and only then did I realize he was serious. At first I laughed. A lot. I laughed until there were tears coming down my face. I laughed until Curly came in to make sure I wasn't losing it. I laughed until Austin starting giving me dirty looks, only then did I stop.
"Oh my God, you were serious." I practically whispered my mouth hanging open.
"Um, yeah!" He yelled glaring at me.
"And why the hell should I ever trust you with a fucking NEEDLE?!?!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. He covered my mouth and licked his hand so he would uncover it.
"Shut up, someone will hear and then I'll get thrown out!" Yeah...can't imagine why he'd get thrown out. :P
"Okay. Two questions. One; do you have a license, and two is this illegal? Because ya know you Brumleys tend to enjoy rebelling and fighting the system quite a bit," I said trailing off.
"No, it's not illegal. Well, at least I don't think so. And two, I will receive my license as soon as Tom sees that I can do an acceptable job inking up a customer's skin."
"Ugh, I'm so gonna regret this..." I groaned getting up and looking for my jacket.
"NO WAY! THIS IS GONNA BE GREAT." He screamed hugging me.
Along the way we kidnapped Jamie (which I admit wasn't my most brilliant plan, but on with the story!) We dragged her out of her depressing casa and Austin dragged her kicking and screaming down the stairs. It was an excellent experience to actually see her express some emotion other than sadness. She'll be grateful for this later. So we drove, and Jamie complained about how Austin was going to stab me in some super important artery and how I was going to go into cardiac arrest and die a long, slow, terrible death but we just blasted music over her high pitched voice. It was nice.
So we arrived and I ran into the place before I lost my nerve. Austin talked to Tom and I kinda zoned out for a bit because you know I was having second thoughts and a little bit on the bridge of a physcotic breakdown, but before I knew it I had picked out my tattoo and I was sitting on the black padded table.
"Angel, are you sure you want to go through this this?" Jamie asked, honestly her face was pale.
"Uh, sure, let's go Brumley. We're on the clock. Tim's gonna think you kidnapped me," I said.
"I don't know why he'd ever think that," Jamie practically spat. Austin just rolled his eyes like the diva he truly is and muttered, "chicks," to himself. So he turned on the little needle thingy and my eyes went very wide.
"Holy mother of balls," I whispered and he went to work on my shoulder. It stung like a mother fucker but I was not about to complain, I mean look at Cristy! She's like a walking painting and she probably didn't even complain so I chose to keep my mouth shut. Eventually Austin was done, my back was numb and Jamie was.......smiling? She was smiling? Was it a fixture of the light? Could it be?!?!?! DID IT LOOK GOOD?! I looked. HOLY SHIT IT LOOKED AMAZING! WHO KNEW THIS KID COULD DO GOOD TATTOOS!?
I suppose y'all are wondering, "what the hell did Angela get?" Well, Angela got the lyrics from her favorite song on her left shoulder blade and it looks pretty damn hot. Austin, I am proud to call you my friend. :D Ze photograph is below. Eventually Tom gave Austin his license and all that good shit and we dropped Jamie off but then Austin drove me home. I walked in and took off my jacket. Tim was in the kitchen drinking his beer and I didn't notice him, for I was too excited talking to Austin about my new body art! Tim spit out his beer and I swear I thought he was going to have an aneurysm. He got up from his chair walked right over and punched him square in the jaw and continued to beat the shit out of him.
Austin eventually started to fight back but Tim shoved him back down and told him if he did not leave this house right now he would never be able to have sex again, and that was a promise. He left right after that. After a lot of screaming Tim finally calmed the fuck down and left. He is probably mourning his sister's lost innocence. (That was sarcasm, people) But yes, I have a tattoo, I am now apart of the tattoo people club. :D

Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Random Facts About My Current Life
I'm bored as shit and since people were complaining about having nothing to read I figured what the hell, why not write a post about something of interest..........me. :D
1. I've been in yoga pants and a sweat shirt this whole day and have not moved from my place at my kitchen counter.
3. I love glitter. Glitter reminds me of Ke$ha and Ke$ha is just ♥ .
4. My hair needs to be straightened but there is no point to do it because I have no life today, GOOO ANGEL! :P
5. I need to vacuum, but I think I'm just gonna blame it on Curly...yeah, I'm gonna blame it on him.
6. This post is rather annoying to write.
7. I really wish Boston by Augstana would come on my playlist because I'm kind of obsessed with it at the moment.
8. I very much enjoy Young Money's musical productions. :D
10. I am kind of obsessed with looking up inspirational quotes right now......weird I know.
I'm done, you don't have to comment if you don't want to, I was just SO FUCKING BORED, and needed something to do. :P
1. I've been in yoga pants and a sweat shirt this whole day and have not moved from my place at my kitchen counter.
3. I love glitter. Glitter reminds me of Ke$ha and Ke$ha is just ♥ .
4. My hair needs to be straightened but there is no point to do it because I have no life today, GOOO ANGEL! :P
5. I need to vacuum, but I think I'm just gonna blame it on Curly...yeah, I'm gonna blame it on him.
6. This post is rather annoying to write.
7. I really wish Boston by Augstana would come on my playlist because I'm kind of obsessed with it at the moment.
8. I very much enjoy Young Money's musical productions. :D
10. I am kind of obsessed with looking up inspirational quotes right now......weird I know.
I'm done, you don't have to comment if you don't want to, I was just SO FUCKING BORED, and needed something to do. :P
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Bottoms Up.

Yesterday was the day my week was ruined. I woke up took a shower and was getting ready to go to Buck's when the doorbell rand RIGHT before I was about to head out the side door to the car. I opened it and the last person I wanted to see was standing there. It was my cousin, Mariah. Behind her stood her older brother, Danny and their mom, my Aunt Becca. My Aunt Becca was my mom's sister and I had no fucking idea why they were here. I just kind of stood there dumbstruck while my Aunt said hello handed me her bags and walked in. My house is really small so where they were going to stay, I had no idea.
"Ummm, hey, guys," I said slinging the bags over my shoulder and dropping them near the kitchen counter. "I don't mean to be rude, but what're you guys doing here?" I asked as Mariah began to go through the fridge and Danny took a seat on the couch.
Don't get me wrong, I love my Aunt Becca she's so sweet and really into fashion and everything like me and Danny's cool but Mariah is crazy and the most selfish person that I know. I know, hypocritical calling her crazy but when she wants something she'll get it, and she won't let anything get in her way, it's pretty scary if you ask me. They were from Beaumont, Texas and owned a convenience store up there. It was a cute little town, I used to visit there sometimes in the summer, but make no mistake, those Texans know how to party...hard. Better summers of my life.
"Well, we were just passing through town on our way to go see your Grams and I was on the phone with your mom and she said we could stay for a few days with y'all."
"Well, it's not that I'm not happy to see you 'cause I am, just a little surprised, my mom hasn't been around in days.." I replied confused. My mom went 'out' a few days ago but hasn't been back since. It wasn't really a big deal, though, we were used to it, and my step dad was God knows where so Curls, Tim and I had been on our own.
"Oh, well, she'll turn up sooner or later, she always does, now be a doll and carry these to your room," She ordered, picking at her nails. "I need to go use the lady's room," she muttered and excused herself to go to the bathroom. Meanwhile Curly had come out and was talking to Danny about the action going on and that left me with Mariah. Mariah was beautiful; not even gonna deny it. She had long wavy brown hair that reached her shoulder blades, with snow white skin and chocolate brown mischievous eyes. She was my height give or take an inch or two, we were really short for our age but I personally didn't mind cause I was curvy, she had a good figure too, but she was insecure as shit, I got over my demons when I met Johnny, and by the looks of it she hadn't yet.
"Angel," She nodded at me as
she pushed herself up onto the counter and leaned back, shaking her hair away from her face. She was wearing a short strapless black dress with a little belt around her waist and gold heels, it was as if she sensed where I was going before she even came in between state lines!
"Riah," I responded, using my nickname that I called her. We got along face to face but secretly we plotted against each other, we were like the two perfect best friends that secretly hated each other.
"Where ya going?" She sing-songed to me, looking at me in my turquoise dress and black heels and make-up all done up.
"To the gas station. Where do you think, hoe? You coming or not?" I smirked at her taken aback my bluntness, we weren't normally sarcastic with each other unless we were legit fighting.
"As if you have to ask," she huffed pushing herself off the counter and grabbing her purse.
"You guys coming?" I asked Danny and Curly.
"We'll catch y'all later," Danny answered. Danny was good-looking too, what can I say? Our family has good jeans. :P Anyway we made our way out to the car and noticed it was snowing. Fuck my life, I just did my hair, oh well. I slid into the car and put the key into the ignition. Mariah turned up the radio and chorus to Bottoms Up came blasting out the speakers, immediately we started rapping along with Trey Songz. Soon enough we were at Buck's and we heard a series of whistles as we walked up the walkway to the door.
The scene was pretty crazy, (big surprise there. :P) and I spotted Kitty and Two-Bit in the corner talking to Pony and Brookie so I went over to them and introduced them to Mariah and did all that polite shit. I left her with them since it seemed to be going well and went off to find Johnny. I found him talking to Austin and Caleb and led him off to the dance floor. Like a G6 came on and we grinded away; it was pretty sexy(; one Ke$ha, Eminem and Nicki Minaj later I heard a bunch of yelling coming from a corner near the car. Me and Johnny stopped dancing to see if we'd get to see a good fight, he led me through the crowd and what we saw was quite a scene:
Brook going ape shit on Mariah and her just standing there with her arms crossed smirking, Kit just staring and Two-Bit trying not to crack up, meanwhile Ponyboy; the ever so helpful -.- was trying to get Brook to calm down. (Word of advice guys, when your girlfriend is freaking out, don't tell her to relax.)
"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!?" I screamed as I tugged Johnny over with me.
"You're whore of a cousins thinks it's cool to come onto everybody's boyfriend," Brook screeched fuming. It took a lot to make Brook that riled up and I personally was in a good mood and wanted to stay that way so I just told Mariah that we had to go.
"No, let this bimbo-bitch finish what she started, she doesn't need her boyfriend to fight her own battles," Mariah yelled getting right in Brook's face. And that was when it happened, she snapped, the sweet, innocent, quiet Brook snapped and punched Mariah right in the nose. I have been waiting for this moment for a long time but it felt good that it had finally happened. Mariah flew back against Two-Bit and he quickly steadied her but pushed her off of him, not wanting to get involved. Too shocked to do anything but stare, Mariah looked like an idiot.
"Take a picture, it'll last longer, slut," Brook sneered and slapped her. Mariah then took the liberty to slap Brook push her out of the way and head out the door. I of course had to follow her to drive her home so I gave Johnny a quick kiss on the cheek waved to the others and half walked half tip toed out the door in my heels. Mariah was already in the car arms crossed when Jesse Michaels jumped off the hood of his car.
"Got a problem pretty lady?" He asked as I made my way to the car.
"None that you can solve, Jesse," I retorted looking for my keys.
Jesse was a greaser from my brother's gang, he was an alright, guy; sober, drunk he was out of fucking control, I would know, I've been with him when he was like that.
"I'm pretty sure I solve anything that's your issue, baby." He said in this tone that was meant to be seductive but instead just came out slurred.
"Sorry, Jess, been there, done that, tapped that, and not going back, got a boyfriend now," I replied crossing my arms over my chest and standing up tall trying to make myself taller than I was.
"I bet he can't satisfy you like I can," He said beginning to back me against the hood of my car. Mariah had passed out of course, just my luck.
"Um, no, actually he satisfies me better than you could dream," I mentally slapped myself at my falter for a comeback. He then slid his hand up my side to my shoulder but I wasn't ready to scream, I didn't want to cause a scene unless I had to.
"You sure, sweets? I can make you feel good in ways you could never imagine." He answered smiling slyly and he traced my jawline and moved his hand to my sternum and moved downward. I jerked my head down for a minute looked him dead in the eye and screamed. I screamed and I screamed and I screamed. I pushed him off of me but he pushed his arm against my waist and pulled me to him, I forced my head to the side and continued to scream. I punched him but he was strong, really strong and his hot breath was in my ear, it smelled like shit.
Then Ponyboy, Two-Bit and Johnny ran out barely keeping their balance on the slippery ice. Kit and Brookie where close behind them. Two-Bit pulled Jesse off with a flying tackle from the walkway and Ponyboy helped him kick the shit out of him. Johnny ran over and hugged me so tight I thought I was going to explode.
"Holy crap, Lah, are you okay?" He whispered looking over me making sure he hadn't hurt me.
"Yeah, it's all good, he was just being a prick, that's all."
"That's all? Shepard, you're a piece of work," He said as I rested my head on his shoulder.
"That, I am, Cade, that I am," I responded breaking apart from his embrace and pointed at my drunken cousin in the front seat, "I however have to this other piece of work back to my house before someone gets killed."
"I'm driving," he said and he picked up Mariah and put her in the back seat as I climbed in shot gun. He instantly put his arm around me and I settled my head on his shoulder and fell asleep. I was being lifted into the house when I finally woke up and shifted in my carrier's arms. Johnny was lifting me up the steps and putting me in my room. He laid me on my bed and got up to leave when I called out, "No, wait, please stay." I was still a little shaken up about the incident and didn't want to be alone just yet. He came back and laid down next to me. I put my head on this chest and we fell asleep, just like that.
"Ummm, hey, guys," I said slinging the bags over my shoulder and dropping them near the kitchen counter. "I don't mean to be rude, but what're you guys doing here?" I asked as Mariah began to go through the fridge and Danny took a seat on the couch.
Don't get me wrong, I love my Aunt Becca she's so sweet and really into fashion and everything like me and Danny's cool but Mariah is crazy and the most selfish person that I know. I know, hypocritical calling her crazy but when she wants something she'll get it, and she won't let anything get in her way, it's pretty scary if you ask me. They were from Beaumont, Texas and owned a convenience store up there. It was a cute little town, I used to visit there sometimes in the summer, but make no mistake, those Texans know how to party...hard. Better summers of my life.
"Well, we were just passing through town on our way to go see your Grams and I was on the phone with your mom and she said we could stay for a few days with y'all."
"Well, it's not that I'm not happy to see you 'cause I am, just a little surprised, my mom hasn't been around in days.." I replied confused. My mom went 'out' a few days ago but hasn't been back since. It wasn't really a big deal, though, we were used to it, and my step dad was God knows where so Curls, Tim and I had been on our own.
"Oh, well, she'll turn up sooner or later, she always does, now be a doll and carry these to your room," She ordered, picking at her nails. "I need to go use the lady's room," she muttered and excused herself to go to the bathroom. Meanwhile Curly had come out and was talking to Danny about the action going on and that left me with Mariah. Mariah was beautiful; not even gonna deny it. She had long wavy brown hair that reached her shoulder blades, with snow white skin and chocolate brown mischievous eyes. She was my height give or take an inch or two, we were really short for our age but I personally didn't mind cause I was curvy, she had a good figure too, but she was insecure as shit, I got over my demons when I met Johnny, and by the looks of it she hadn't yet.
"Angel," She nodded at me as

"Riah," I responded, using my nickname that I called her. We got along face to face but secretly we plotted against each other, we were like the two perfect best friends that secretly hated each other.
"Where ya going?" She sing-songed to me, looking at me in my turquoise dress and black heels and make-up all done up.
"To the gas station. Where do you think, hoe? You coming or not?" I smirked at her taken aback my bluntness, we weren't normally sarcastic with each other unless we were legit fighting.
"As if you have to ask," she huffed pushing herself off the counter and grabbing her purse.
"You guys coming?" I asked Danny and Curly.
"We'll catch y'all later," Danny answered. Danny was good-looking too, what can I say? Our family has good jeans. :P Anyway we made our way out to the car and noticed it was snowing. Fuck my life, I just did my hair, oh well. I slid into the car and put the key into the ignition. Mariah turned up the radio and chorus to Bottoms Up came blasting out the speakers, immediately we started rapping along with Trey Songz. Soon enough we were at Buck's and we heard a series of whistles as we walked up the walkway to the door.
The scene was pretty crazy, (big surprise there. :P) and I spotted Kitty and Two-Bit in the corner talking to Pony and Brookie so I went over to them and introduced them to Mariah and did all that polite shit. I left her with them since it seemed to be going well and went off to find Johnny. I found him talking to Austin and Caleb and led him off to the dance floor. Like a G6 came on and we grinded away; it was pretty sexy(; one Ke$ha, Eminem and Nicki Minaj later I heard a bunch of yelling coming from a corner near the car. Me and Johnny stopped dancing to see if we'd get to see a good fight, he led me through the crowd and what we saw was quite a scene:
Brook going ape shit on Mariah and her just standing there with her arms crossed smirking, Kit just staring and Two-Bit trying not to crack up, meanwhile Ponyboy; the ever so helpful -.- was trying to get Brook to calm down. (Word of advice guys, when your girlfriend is freaking out, don't tell her to relax.)
"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!?" I screamed as I tugged Johnny over with me.
"You're whore of a cousins thinks it's cool to come onto everybody's boyfriend," Brook screeched fuming. It took a lot to make Brook that riled up and I personally was in a good mood and wanted to stay that way so I just told Mariah that we had to go.
"No, let this bimbo-bitch finish what she started, she doesn't need her boyfriend to fight her own battles," Mariah yelled getting right in Brook's face. And that was when it happened, she snapped, the sweet, innocent, quiet Brook snapped and punched Mariah right in the nose. I have been waiting for this moment for a long time but it felt good that it had finally happened. Mariah flew back against Two-Bit and he quickly steadied her but pushed her off of him, not wanting to get involved. Too shocked to do anything but stare, Mariah looked like an idiot.
"Take a picture, it'll last longer, slut," Brook sneered and slapped her. Mariah then took the liberty to slap Brook push her out of the way and head out the door. I of course had to follow her to drive her home so I gave Johnny a quick kiss on the cheek waved to the others and half walked half tip toed out the door in my heels. Mariah was already in the car arms crossed when Jesse Michaels jumped off the hood of his car.
"Got a problem pretty lady?" He asked as I made my way to the car.
"None that you can solve, Jesse," I retorted looking for my keys.
Jesse was a greaser from my brother's gang, he was an alright, guy; sober, drunk he was out of fucking control, I would know, I've been with him when he was like that.
"I'm pretty sure I solve anything that's your issue, baby." He said in this tone that was meant to be seductive but instead just came out slurred.
"Sorry, Jess, been there, done that, tapped that, and not going back, got a boyfriend now," I replied crossing my arms over my chest and standing up tall trying to make myself taller than I was.
"I bet he can't satisfy you like I can," He said beginning to back me against the hood of my car. Mariah had passed out of course, just my luck.
"Um, no, actually he satisfies me better than you could dream," I mentally slapped myself at my falter for a comeback. He then slid his hand up my side to my shoulder but I wasn't ready to scream, I didn't want to cause a scene unless I had to.
"You sure, sweets? I can make you feel good in ways you could never imagine." He answered smiling slyly and he traced my jawline and moved his hand to my sternum and moved downward. I jerked my head down for a minute looked him dead in the eye and screamed. I screamed and I screamed and I screamed. I pushed him off of me but he pushed his arm against my waist and pulled me to him, I forced my head to the side and continued to scream. I punched him but he was strong, really strong and his hot breath was in my ear, it smelled like shit.
Then Ponyboy, Two-Bit and Johnny ran out barely keeping their balance on the slippery ice. Kit and Brookie where close behind them. Two-Bit pulled Jesse off with a flying tackle from the walkway and Ponyboy helped him kick the shit out of him. Johnny ran over and hugged me so tight I thought I was going to explode.
"Holy crap, Lah, are you okay?" He whispered looking over me making sure he hadn't hurt me.
"Yeah, it's all good, he was just being a prick, that's all."
"That's all? Shepard, you're a piece of work," He said as I rested my head on his shoulder.
"That, I am, Cade, that I am," I responded breaking apart from his embrace and pointed at my drunken cousin in the front seat, "I however have to this other piece of work back to my house before someone gets killed."
"I'm driving," he said and he picked up Mariah and put her in the back seat as I climbed in shot gun. He instantly put his arm around me and I settled my head on his shoulder and fell asleep. I was being lifted into the house when I finally woke up and shifted in my carrier's arms. Johnny was lifting me up the steps and putting me in my room. He laid me on my bed and got up to leave when I called out, "No, wait, please stay." I was still a little shaken up about the incident and didn't want to be alone just yet. He came back and laid down next to me. I put my head on this chest and we fell asleep, just like that.
*P.S. That is Mariah & Danny's pictures up there, I don't know how to move them. :P
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Sweat pants, hair tied, chillin' with no make-up on, that's when you're the prettiest I hope that you don't take it wrong(:
Okay, this is a question for all of the girls; you know those days when you just absolutely hate how you look? The days where your self esteem is so impossibly low you wonder how anybody will ever love you? And that you think you're the bitchiest person in the world, well Thursday was one of those days...
I got up and took a good look in the mirror. My normally wavy hair was tangled in a messy bun my eyes blood shot from being exhausted and my face was really pale, needless to say I was not in any mood to deal with anybody. My game plan for the day was to watch Gray's Anatomy and Supernatural, sit on my ass, and be done with it, but does anything ever go my way? No. -.- I had my sweat pants and tank top on watching Yang and Hunt argue when there was a knock at the door, I prayed to god that Curly would get it, but no! God forbid that boy do one little thing for me!
I walked up, and whipped open the door and immediately wanted to shoot myself in the face. It was Johnny. FUCK MY LIFEEEEEEEEEEEEE. I LOOKED LIKE THE GRIM REAPER HIMSELF! Why me? I have the worst luck ever to myself. And while I stood there whispering multiple swears to myself Johnny just stood there with his lopsided grin that always made my heart melt; except for today.
"Shit, hi Johnny." I mumbled tucking a stray hair behind my ear, trying to make me look some what presentable to him.
"Hey, sorry I just stopped in, I miss you." He looked down as he said this blushing a little bit. I groaned to myself in my head, since he was all cute I had to let him in now and not kick him out and call him later.
I moved back and let him in he took his jacket off and put it on the counter. And ran his hands through his hair.
"You look beautiful." He looked down as he said it so his face was practically tucked into his chest and it was all jumbled together so it sounded more like, 'to mook hoohull." I completely freaked out, looking back now it was absolutely humiliating that I acted like this. I looked away and could feel my face burning a bright red, I knew I shouldn't have let him in. I started to speed walk away to the bathroom. Now so was not the day to fuck with me. I locked the door and sat on the toilet with my knees tucked up under my chin and I could hear Johnny banging on the door. "Angela? I'm sorry, that was really awkward I didn't mean for it to be that way, please open the door, I don't want you to be sad, I want you to be happy and good and yourself!" He practically screamed this through the door.
After fifteen minutes I felt bad and it was all just down hill from there, I opened the door and buried my head in his chest, he wasn't expecting it so when I hugged him he flew backward into the wall. It was kind of embarrassing actually.
"Sorry, my bad." I laughed into his shirt. "No, no, it's okay, are you alright? I didn't mean to say that, it was one of those things that sound better in your head, ya know?" He had to look down at me as he said this me being so short and all. -.- "Oh no! It's not your fault, I was just being over sensitive and thought you were making fun of me because of how crappy I looked." "You're crazy, I think you look great, I was being 100% serious." He smiled. I hugged him and he said, "I love you." I almost dropped dead.
"You what?" I asked mouth hanging open. "I love you." He said confidently to my face. "No way." I said out loud. God, I was so stupid I didn't mean to say that out loud. "Umm, yes way!" He said kissing me on the forehead. "Newsflash dude, I kinda love you too!" I said laughing. "You do?" He said unsure. Did I? I was pretty sure, and that was good enough for me, so I said, "I do!" "Good." :D and then we went into my room which lead to...other things.... :P and let's just say you don't want details.
I got up and took a good look in the mirror. My normally wavy hair was tangled in a messy bun my eyes blood shot from being exhausted and my face was really pale, needless to say I was not in any mood to deal with anybody. My game plan for the day was to watch Gray's Anatomy and Supernatural, sit on my ass, and be done with it, but does anything ever go my way? No. -.- I had my sweat pants and tank top on watching Yang and Hunt argue when there was a knock at the door, I prayed to god that Curly would get it, but no! God forbid that boy do one little thing for me!
I walked up, and whipped open the door and immediately wanted to shoot myself in the face. It was Johnny. FUCK MY LIFEEEEEEEEEEEEE. I LOOKED LIKE THE GRIM REAPER HIMSELF! Why me? I have the worst luck ever to myself. And while I stood there whispering multiple swears to myself Johnny just stood there with his lopsided grin that always made my heart melt; except for today.
"Shit, hi Johnny." I mumbled tucking a stray hair behind my ear, trying to make me look some what presentable to him.
"Hey, sorry I just stopped in, I miss you." He looked down as he said this blushing a little bit. I groaned to myself in my head, since he was all cute I had to let him in now and not kick him out and call him later.
I moved back and let him in he took his jacket off and put it on the counter. And ran his hands through his hair.
"You look beautiful." He looked down as he said it so his face was practically tucked into his chest and it was all jumbled together so it sounded more like, 'to mook hoohull." I completely freaked out, looking back now it was absolutely humiliating that I acted like this. I looked away and could feel my face burning a bright red, I knew I shouldn't have let him in. I started to speed walk away to the bathroom. Now so was not the day to fuck with me. I locked the door and sat on the toilet with my knees tucked up under my chin and I could hear Johnny banging on the door. "Angela? I'm sorry, that was really awkward I didn't mean for it to be that way, please open the door, I don't want you to be sad, I want you to be happy and good and yourself!" He practically screamed this through the door.
After fifteen minutes I felt bad and it was all just down hill from there, I opened the door and buried my head in his chest, he wasn't expecting it so when I hugged him he flew backward into the wall. It was kind of embarrassing actually.
"Sorry, my bad." I laughed into his shirt. "No, no, it's okay, are you alright? I didn't mean to say that, it was one of those things that sound better in your head, ya know?" He had to look down at me as he said this me being so short and all. -.- "Oh no! It's not your fault, I was just being over sensitive and thought you were making fun of me because of how crappy I looked." "You're crazy, I think you look great, I was being 100% serious." He smiled. I hugged him and he said, "I love you." I almost dropped dead.
"You what?" I asked mouth hanging open. "I love you." He said confidently to my face. "No way." I said out loud. God, I was so stupid I didn't mean to say that out loud. "Umm, yes way!" He said kissing me on the forehead. "Newsflash dude, I kinda love you too!" I said laughing. "You do?" He said unsure. Did I? I was pretty sure, and that was good enough for me, so I said, "I do!" "Good." :D and then we went into my room which lead to...other things.... :P and let's just say you don't want details.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Once Upon A Time In a Town Like This, A Little Girl Made A Christmas Wish, To Fill The World With Happiness(:
GREETINGS, FOLKS! Yes, it is three days after Christmas, yes, It's been a month and five days since I've posted, yes, I know you'll all forgive me because you love me, thank you for being so understanding. :D ANYWAAAAAY, so I woke up on Christmas and was all, "holy shit! it's Christmas!" And after I had my mini little spaz attack I woke up Curly who was extremely pissed off having a hang over and all and made him get ready so we could go to Pony's house and drink and exchange presents and shit like that, so anyway, here's what I got you morons:
Jamie: Poster of Glee
Andrew: A nice new hat!
Jelly: Dean cut out, please don't try and fuck it. xD
Austin: A Ryan Miller Jersey(:
Blair: A hand book on how to use birth control. xD
Bre: All Time Low Tee Shirt.
Brook: A Cookie Monster Tee-Shirt.
Buck: Beer; the gift that keeps on giving. :D
Candie: A pretty necklace(:
Carson: The Supernatural soundtrack.
Kyle: What else for my favorite druggie?! POT!
Mark: A camera since we all know you love to take pictures of yourself. :P
Ponyboy: Sigh...I really wanted to get you Ke$ha's cd however I didn't want you to have a mental breakdown so I burned you a mixture of both Ke$ha and Britney Spears.
Sodapop/Katie: A gift certificate for you both to Babies R Us for when the time comes. :P
Steve: A cut out of a Playmate (She's your imaginary girlfriend. xD)
Cristy: Guitar picks.
Curly: Coal.
Dally: Condoms; NO GLOVE NO LOVE!
Darry; A gift card to any spa of your choice (:
Dawn: I'm sorry I'm not very original, buuut, a Danny Phantom shirt!
Dimitri: Dinner for two at any resturaunt of your choice...MAKE IT A FANCY RESTURAUNT IF YOU KNOW WHAT I'M GETTING AT!
Elena: Bandaids for the next time you get hurt. xD
Johnny: My loveeeeeeeeeeeeee annnnnnd a muffin bracelet I have a matching one! :D
Two-Bit: BEER, WOO HOO! (Please share.)
Kit: I got your cat a little carrier!
Jamie: Poster of Glee
Andrew: A nice new hat!
Jelly: Dean cut out, please don't try and fuck it. xD
Austin: A Ryan Miller Jersey(:
Blair: A hand book on how to use birth control. xD
Bre: All Time Low Tee Shirt.
Brook: A Cookie Monster Tee-Shirt.
Buck: Beer; the gift that keeps on giving. :D
Candie: A pretty necklace(:
Carson: The Supernatural soundtrack.
Kyle: What else for my favorite druggie?! POT!
Mark: A camera since we all know you love to take pictures of yourself. :P
Ponyboy: Sigh...I really wanted to get you Ke$ha's cd however I didn't want you to have a mental breakdown so I burned you a mixture of both Ke$ha and Britney Spears.
Sodapop/Katie: A gift certificate for you both to Babies R Us for when the time comes. :P
Steve: A cut out of a Playmate (She's your imaginary girlfriend. xD)
Cristy: Guitar picks.
Curly: Coal.
Dally: Condoms; NO GLOVE NO LOVE!
Darry; A gift card to any spa of your choice (:
Dawn: I'm sorry I'm not very original, buuut, a Danny Phantom shirt!
Dimitri: Dinner for two at any resturaunt of your choice...MAKE IT A FANCY RESTURAUNT IF YOU KNOW WHAT I'M GETTING AT!
Elena: Bandaids for the next time you get hurt. xD
Johnny: My loveeeeeeeeeeeeee annnnnnd a muffin bracelet I have a matching one! :D
Two-Bit: BEER, WOO HOO! (Please share.)
Kit: I got your cat a little carrier!
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