I love The Dingo. Classic hang out for greasers and their pals, right? Not the other day, some outsider (see how punny I am? XD) tried to break into our circle and act like he was one of us. Yeah, well he obviously doesn't know us very well and we don't take kindly to assholes of his kind.
Sitting at a table was me, Tim, Brook, Kyle, Curly and Carson was hanging around the table, too. We were just talking when all of a sudden Carson left to go talk to someone by the front door. It was Jamie and some fancy dressed prick. Jamie was holding a rose and I was just utterly confused ... she was dating my brother! I looked over at Tim and there was literally steam coming out of his ears. Curly was trying not to laugh, Brook had this look on her face like "here we go" and Kyle was just rolling his eyes at all of us.
Carson came over with Jamie and mystery man soon enough and we all just stared at him. The nerve this dumbshit had to come over here with Jamie when her boyfriend sitting right there.
"Hey guys, what's up?" Jamie asked, looking at us expectantly. No one said anything at first, but soon enough Curly replied:
"Dude, you've gotta be shitting me. Who's this punk?" Everyone started laughing except for Tim who just looked plain murderous.
"Oh, this is my dad's buissiness partner's son, Chad," Jamie replied easily. Kyle started choking on his fries he started laughing so hard.
"Chad? What the fuck kind of name is Chad?" Kyle said between laughs, trying to catch his breath.
Chad narrowed his eyes, "My mother named me after my brother, he's a swimsuit model."
"Well, that sure as hell explains it," I answered, rolling my eyes. This weenie did not impress me at all. I mean, Chad? Who in the right mind names their child Chad? That's like setting your kid up for ridicule.
"Oh yeah, what's your name?" He retorted, crossing his arms across his chest.
"Angel. My real name is Angela," I smirked, and raised my eyebrows at him. I didn't really like my first name too much-- reminded me of an old lady. Angel fit my personality better.
Chad, champion moron, rolled his eyes. "You sure don't look like an angel, girl. Look what you're wearing, you look like a high class prostitute." Oh hell no! He did not just call me a prostitute. Oh my face was heating up. That dude was asking for a death wish, I'm telling you.
Tim chose that moment to find his voice, "You did NOT just call my sister that," he seethed, clenching his fists. Curly had stood up by then and was talking to Jamie, but when he heard that, I thought he was gonna jump that jerk.
I took Kyle's fries out of his hands and hurled them at the asshole. They splattered all over his white, pristine shirt. I hope it fucking stained and never came out!
"You listen here, Chad. You either beat it out of here in the next five seconds or I will personally beat the shit out of you, no questions asked. Ya dig?" I hissed standing up, and placing a hand on one hip.
"Yeah, Chad, I think you should go," Brook replied quietly, giggling at the situation.
"I'm not leaving here without Jamie," he said firmly and placed a protective arm around her.
"Bro, if you don't want your balls cut off, I suggest you get your fucking hands off her right now, Tim said, taking a step towards them.
Apparently, Chad can't take a hint, he pulled Jamie toward the door, but ran into Dawn doing so, who was just walking in. She decked him in the face when he ran into her, nearly knocking her over. After that it was like an open invatation for a throwdown. Tim started laying into him-- throwing punches anywhere and merrily took food from near by tables and hurled it at the ass. As soon as he was scarred for life we all left the idiot outside The Dingo, taped to a telephone pole in the parking lot.
Good times, gotta love summer.
About Me
My name is Angela Grace Shepard. Some people call me Ange or Angel. Guys are automatically attracted to me, it's just the way I am. I have long dark brown almost black hair and light green-blue eyes. I am kinda cocky and sarcastic, but you'll probably grow to love me anyway, it's just my personality. My brothers are Tim and Curly Shepard who are basically the biggest greasers in this lovely little town of Tulsa. So if you screw with me, good luck taking them on. I can kick ass and fight though, my brothers didnt leave me completely defenseless.
Me, Myself & I(:

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Ah the Dingo where we sneak liquor in but you losers didn't -.- What type of name is Chad? :3 It reminds me of a geek xD. And way to handle the douche. :D
ReplyDeleteLmao. That was fucking HALARIOUS. Chad is named after a swim suit model. How sweet.
ReplyDeleteAngle, you can be my prostitute ;) your quiet Acute. Lol math joke. :]