About Me
Me, Myself & I(:

Sunday, November 21, 2010
You've got spunk, you've got spark, you've got somethin' all the girls wantt.(:
I wasn't sure what to wear. I had seen girls on t.v. get ready for a date before. I wasn't sure if it was a "dressy date" or a "fun date" but knowing Johnny it'd be a fun date so I decided to wing it and just put on jeans, a red sweatshirt and my vans :D I know Johnny wouldn't care.
At around 5:30 I heard a knock at the door, I told Curly to get it as I put the finishing touches on my hair. I heard hushed talking and got a little worried, but I was too excited to care! I was going out with Johnny, woo-hoo!(: All right, I'm gonna stop now I sound twelve, but anyway, I made my way down the hall to see Curly holding Johnny up by the shirt. I inwardly groaned, at this rate the next time I had a date with Johnny someone would end up either crying, bleeding, or dead. I coughed and Curly pushed Johnny back and said "Okay, I'm gonna go, you kids have fun!" I rolled my eyes and lead Johnny out the door.
I sighed as he opened the door for me in the car. "I'm sorry about that, he was dropped on his head as an infant." "That's okay, he replied, happy as ever. So what do you wanna do?"
"Hm, let's go...roller skating!"
He sighed and said, "But isn't roller skating for hippies or something?" I pouted and gave the puppy dog eyes that I knew would work and he complied(:
"Okay, all right! Let's go." I smiled to myself, I could tell this was gonna be a fun night.
The skating rink was practically deserted except for a few employees so we basically had the entire place to ourselves. It was perfect. As soon as we got our skates situated and what-not I skated myself onto the floor and did twirl. I could tell Johnny was impressed because his mouth was hanging open when I turned around. "Wow, Angela, I didn't know you were such a good skater." As soon as he said that I felt myself blush and I tingled. "Thanks, Johnny, now come on slow-poke get out here!"
As soon as he stepped out onto the rink he fell on his ass. It was hilarious, but I tried not to laugh but I couldn't contain myself as I tried to help him up.
He said in a rather annoyed tone, "Yeah, yeah, Angela, laugh it up I can't roller skate," he said as I looked down at him. I chuckled and replied, "Yes, well I can see that, here, silly let me help you." I grabbed his hand and carefully pulled him up.
Eventually he picked up on how to skate :P and we played four corners he "won" :P (*Cough* Ilethimwin *cough* cough* :P)
We got off and ate our pizza merrily and chatted and talked about stuff. At the end of the night some intercom-genius man said over the loud speaker, "Everyone out on the dance floor with your loved ones," and they played a slow song! :D And well yeah, we kissed at the end obviously :P (:
He was a little wobbily on the skates but he got through it and is a really good dancer(: He drove me home and Curly will be relieved to know that he didn't try and pull anything stupid. I think Johnny was a little scared of Curly to be honest because at the of the night he only gave me a good night hug. As soon as I walked in the door I realized why. My dumbass of a brother was glaring at Johnny with nun chucks. I swear that boy is going to put me in an early grave -.-. But anyway my date with Johnny was great!♥(:
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Hallo Fucking Ween.

So this Halloween me and Curly decided to be menaces to society and fuck with the younger kids. Not like the little, little ones, like the eight-year-olds; that's just messed up, I mean the twelve and thirteen-year-olds who think they're such hot shit.
So anyway the plan was I was to answer the door and Curly was to hide in the bush outside armed with a blow-horn and multiple apple pies. It was gonna be a great night.
Curly dressed up like a ninja; all out black. Black hat, black sweat-shirt jeans, converse, and just everything. Meanwhile I just gave up on looking good for the night, too much effort I decided. I just left my hair down wavy and wild, threw on a gray sweatshirt and jeans, and my dolphin slippers :D

Anywaaaay, nine 'O clock rolled around and door bells started a ringin' soon enough we had a couple of angels at our house(; how too small, the prime age. There were three kids. Two girls and a boy. One girl had short wavy brown hair and was dressed up as a hippy, another chick with long red straight hair was dressed up as a wizard and the boy was dressed as a lumber jack. I can't wait to scare the shit outta these punks I thought as I opened the door. "TRICK OR TREAT!" They answered as I opened the door, I nodded to Curly who replied with a salute to me. "Here ya go kids...,I said as I placed Snickers, Milky Ways and various other goodies in their little nap-sacks." Then all of a sudden a blow-horn sounded and the kids dropped their candy and whipped their heads around in terror where Curly was waiting with fresh pie! He slapped in each other their faces and took off around the house into a pile of leaves we had strategically placed.
But what I was not expecting was the little lumber jack to take a razor blade out of his back pocket and sprint after my brother screaming, "I'M GONNA GET YOU BITCH!" The girls stood there cracking up with pie covering their faces.
I to them, "Is that one of you two's boyfriend?" The brunette replied with a smirk, "That's my older brother."