I woke up totally confused. I was in bed fully clothed and I tried to sit up and I thought my brain was about to fall out of my head it hurt so bad. I opened my eyes slowly to see Curly sitting on the edge of my bed.
"Holy shit Curly it feels like I've been hit by a truck, I mumbled."
"Yeah, well, you should. You took LSD, he replied."
"I took what now, I asked scrunching my eyebrows."
"Our dip-shit of a brother gave you a mother load of LSD knocked you out and here you are, he said with a hint of resentment in his voice."
I thought for a moment and the memories of the past night came flooding back to me. The drugs, my brother, the sleazy guy, Pony. Everything. How my own brother betrayed me for money. Treated me like a whore so he could make a couple of bucks. Had I driven him to this? Had I made myself seem so unbearable that my own brother had to sell me off to other men. I couldn't think straight. I was losing it. I knew it. I just wanted to sleep this off and it all to be a dream, no nightmare. One huge freaking nightmare, one that I could wake up from and not have to live with the effects of, but nope, life is never that easy; is it?
"What time is it anyway, I asked as I shifted my position so I was propped up on my elbow."
"5:30, just about. You got here around like 1-1:15, I dunno. Pony carried you home sometime around then and said you were drugged up somethin' awful. He told me what happened, wanna talk about it, he asked with a concerned look."
"Naw, it's okay you go sleep, I'm gonna too."
"Angela....., he trailed off."
"I'll talk to you about it later, now I just wanna sleep okay," I tried to tell him as gently as I could but it came out a little harsh and I saw him shrink back stung by the coldness of my voice and walk out the door.
You'd think that with all the terror I had endured the past couple of hours that I'd never be able to get to sleep but I think that was when even God realized I had gone through enough and gave me his blessing to go to sleep.
"Angel. Hey, Angel. Yo, Angela wake up!" I was awoken to hushed whispering at 6:30 in the morning by none other than Austin Brumley. I rolled over and squinted to see if I was dreaming. He was sitting on the edge of my bed attempting to wake me up. It was not going well.
"Hey, let's go, he whispered."
"Go?! Go where?! Where are we going?" I practically hissed.
"New York City, he calmly stated."
"Okay, lemme just- wait what? NEW YORK CITY? ARE YOU CRAZY?!" I practically screamed.
"Look, I need to get away and I cant go alone plus, you said you'd be there for me no matter what."
I lost all common sense at that point. I basically said fuck it all what else could go wrong, threw a few things in a bag, made him carry me and all my crap out to the car and we were on our way to New York.
We both came to the conclusion that we needed to go blow off some steam so therefore we stopped by some random bar. I decided to follow the ways of Kitty Curtis; what's the best way of getting rid of a hangover? Keep drinking! So I walked in and immediately went to the bar. Asked for a bottle of Jack and took a swig. I worked my way to the back of the room and sat between these two guys. I looked at the one on my right and he said something about me having great legs and ran his hand up my thigh and brushed my hair away from my neck. I gave in and leaned toward him and though hey, it's all down hill from here, why not just have a little fun right? But little did I know that his buddy had a needle behind his back and right before he's about to drug me up and do God knows what Austin appears out of no where and totally decks him in the face picks me up with one hand and drags me out of the bar with ease.
He laid me down in the back seat where I passed out and woke up the next morning with a major headache and in some cheap crappy motel bedroom.
The next day we did typical tourist shit. Went to the Statue of Liberty and I had the time of my life. Just laughing and screwing around. For not knowing each other too well before we got really close that day. We also went to the Empire State Building and Austin talked to some Asian man about finding something I don't know, it was awkward to listen to. But anyway we went out to dinner and just talked. We really got close that day. And those twenty for hours I saw the real Austin Brumley. The one that no one could ever hate no matter how hard they tried.
About Me
My name is Angela Grace Shepard. Some people call me Ange or Angel. Guys are automatically attracted to me, it's just the way I am. I have long dark brown almost black hair and light green-blue eyes. I am kinda cocky and sarcastic, but you'll probably grow to love me anyway, it's just my personality. My brothers are Tim and Curly Shepard who are basically the biggest greasers in this lovely little town of Tulsa. So if you screw with me, good luck taking them on. I can kick ass and fight though, my brothers didnt leave me completely defenseless.
Me, Myself & I(:

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First comment~ XD Anyway, hope everything goes well and you guys'll come back soon >_<
ReplyDeleteIt's fun :) and i got your back Angel :D oh we gotta go to the biggest you store in the country! It's in NYC!!!! :D well be home soon! :)